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2022年新区领导莅临指导工作 Welcome government leaders to guide the work in the mew year of 2022.
公司举办两化融合管理体系大会 The company held a conference on the integration of the two management systems.
我司与万达轮胎业务合作 Business cooperation between our company and Wanda tire.
热烈欢迎新区领导莅临指导工作 Warmly welcome government leaders to our company for guidance.
中国贸促会关于疫情防控涉外法律风险防范线上培训班成功举办 The online training course on foreign legal risk prevention of epidemic prevention and control df CCPIT was successfully held.
我司与中国橡胶黄埔军校——青岛科技大学达成战略合作关系。 Our company has reached a strategic cooperation relationship with Qingdao University of science and technology.